
Why Inbound Marketing is Vital for Lead Generation

As a marketer, you goal is to generate quality leads for your sales team. Inbound Marketing Strategies are designed to attract potential clients, convert them to leads and not only delight them but close the deal. A happy customer is a great thing to have. The key to generating leads lays within a well-planned and successful Inbound Marketing Campaign. From a tactical standpoint, a marketer needs a plan. They need structure to make inbound lead generation happen. In our white paper, “15 Powerful Lead Generation Strategies,” we share with you the four key elements of inbound marketing: the offer, having a clear and concise call-to-action, detail your offer on a dedicated landing page, and on that landing page have an appropriate form to capture each visitor’s information in exchange for [...]

Why Inbound Marketing is Vital for Lead Generation2020-07-01T21:40:56-07:00

What are the Keys to an Effective, Lead-generating Landing Page?

Landing Pages are one of the Most Important Elements in the Lead Generation Strategy A landing page is the gateway to your offer, plain and simple. By directing your visitors to just the one particular offer, you’re freeing them from the distractions of the rest of whatever your website may present. They are there for one purpose, and that is to fill out the form to access your offer, which in turn captures their information and creates a lead generation for sales. The Goal is to Convert Visitors to that Page into Leads Ideal landing pages have a handful of key elements within the layout that are the tools for converting visitors. Keep your content short, and to the point. With landing pages, often times less is more. Cluttered [...]

What are the Keys to an Effective, Lead-generating Landing Page?2020-07-01T21:35:58-07:00

Distractions on Your Landing Page are Hurting Your Lead Generation

Landing Pages are One of the Most Important Components in Any Lead Generation Strategy Once an offer and call-to-action have been created and developed, it’s on to the creating the landing page. Upon visiting the landing page, the goal is now to keep visitors there. If the page has too much information or too many elements your true message will be camouflaged. Don’t be fooled into thinking your offer is distraction proof — a cluttered page equals a distracted visitor. Doing something as simple as removing the navigation elements from the landing page is always an effective starting point for eliminating some of the distractions. It’s easy to think that having more options and content equates to a higher conversion of visitors to leads, right? Wrong. Don’t bury your [...]

Distractions on Your Landing Page are Hurting Your Lead Generation2020-07-01T21:35:58-07:00

Why Landing Pages are Vital for Lead Generation

What is a Landing Page?  At its very heart, a landing page is simply a web-page that offers visitors useful information in exchange for their contact information. A landing page is distinct from your website homepage or a product page for that matter because it has specific conversions in mind. Often-times these landing pages are campaign or offer specific. A successful landing page will illustrate the value of the resource being offered so the visitor can quickly decide whether or not this content has the kind of information they are looking for. If they believe the information being offered is going to help them, they will provide your company with their information in order to receive the content. Give-and-Take Landing pages are vital for lead generation because they offer [...]

Why Landing Pages are Vital for Lead Generation2020-07-01T21:35:58-07:00

Which Content Offer Formats Generate the Most Leads?

Use High-Value Offer Formats Not all offers are created equal. Some “formats” of offers perform better than others at converting leads. You need to ask yourself, “As a client, what’s more valuable, a whitepaper or an ebook?” Below are the types of offer formats that (in our experience) generate the most leads in order of performance, with number one being the best. Let’s go into more detail about each one of these offer formats. eBooks An ebook is an electronic version of a printed book that can be read on a computer or handheld device designed specifically for this purpose. These may have interactive features like links to resources, a clickable table of contents, outside links to other sources, videos, images, and more. Think of this as a digital book [...]

Which Content Offer Formats Generate the Most Leads?2020-07-01T21:35:57-07:00

Are You Asking the Right Questions for Optimal Lead Generation?

Forms are the Key to a Successful Landing Page Without them, there is no way to “convert” a visitor into a lead. If you aren’t asking the right questions however, they can lead to poor-quality leads that aren’t actually interested in your company, services, or products. This leads to list deterioration and wasted time. The following strategies will help you to gather high-quality leads by knowing what to ask and how to ask. All Things are Relative There is no hard and fast rule to follow concerning what questions to ask or how many questions to ask on your lead capture forms, but there is research to point you in the right direction. In addition to research you should also rely heavily on your own experience and knowledge of [...]

Are You Asking the Right Questions for Optimal Lead Generation?2020-07-01T21:35:57-07:00

Why Advertising Your Success will Get You More Leads

Popularity Instills Trust Anyone who has ever bought anything has most likely read reviews. If a company has high reviews, this automatically instills trust in the company and they are more likely to get the sale compared to a no-name business or one that is just starting out. Flaunt your popularity! Did 3,000 people download your piece of content? State it on the landing page or form so a new user sees that this is a genuine, good piece of content that they too should download. The Bandwagon Effect It’s a natural tendency for humans to copy one another, even without realizing it – we like to be a part of tribes and social communities. So when we notice our social circle is doing one thing, we tend to [...]

Why Advertising Your Success will Get You More Leads2020-07-01T14:26:15-07:00

How to Get More Leads with a Content Offer No One Can Refuse

Do you feel lost when trying to think of ways to generate leads for your business? One way to generate leads is to provide high-value content with a perception of exclusivity. When an offer is exclusive, scarce, or in high demand, it becomes more desirable. Typically high-value offers with a sense of urgency can help leads overcome their friction, doubt, or concern quickly. In these cases, the appropriate offer should sweeten the purchase; it should super-charge your readers' desire to buy or sign up now. In a perfect world, it creates a sense of urgency. Ask Yourself These Questions: Does my offer have a high perceived value? "Perceived" is the key word here. The good news is that an effective offer doesn't have to cost much. It just has [...]

How to Get More Leads with a Content Offer No One Can Refuse2020-07-01T21:35:57-07:00

Seattle Artisan Foods Branding and Packaging

Seattle Artisan Foods Branding and Packaging To help the small-batch seafood cuisine creator, Seattle Artisan Foods, break into a much larger retail distribution bracket, we focused on developing a brand that would stand out in the Seattle seafood cuisine marketplace. The brand and packaging needed to be artistic and interesting to attract the attention of their distribution customers, but also clean enough so the casual shopper could easily find key decision-making information. View the case study This project required: Brand Development Custom Illustration Design & Layout Label Design Packaging

Seattle Artisan Foods Branding and Packaging2020-07-01T18:00:34-07:00

Case Study: Seattle Artisan Foods

View the full Seattle Artisan Foods Project Case Seattle Artisan Foods is a provider of authentic, high quality seafood sauces, condiments, and seasonings. Their hand-crafted business started with small batches and catered to specialty stores in the Seattle region, but soon they were ready to take their brand to a much larger retail distribution. Originating in the Pacific Northwest and proud of that heritage, Seattle Artisan Foods needed new packaging that could convey their story visually to shoppers while standing out on crowded grocery shelves. It was also important for Seattle Artisan Foods as a brand to evoke Seattle’s seafood culture while keeping their local, small-batch characteristics. Since the seafood cuisine industry is unique and vibrant in the Seattle area, Seattle Artisan Foods teamed with V2Works to obtain their [...]

Case Study: Seattle Artisan Foods2020-07-01T14:31:31-07:00

The Simpler the Brand, the Sweeter the Victory

Don't let your brand fall victim to being too complex. Many companies get caught up in research, spending countless hours in brand meetings without really focusing, making the whole process wasteful.

Brandgineering by Design™ can help. We've taken our deepest, most meaningful brand experiences and simplified them into a simple step-by-step process. Request a free hard copy of our book, or if you're ready to partner with V2Works now, contact us to take your brand from ambiguity to Brand Victory.