Photo / 3D

Gerbing’s Heated Clothing. Extending a brand.

Pushing an Existing Brand Gerbing’s Heated Clothing has been around for quite some time. When they approached V2Works to help with their brand and collateral needs, they were a well established company with a loyal following. Our approach to their brand work was to refine and modernize the look and feel of their collateral and web presence, but leave the core brand intact. Allowing Gerbing’s to continue to resonate with current customers, and continue the legacy the brand has created within its market. This project required: Photography Print Design Web Design Motion Graphics/Video

Gerbing’s Heated Clothing. Extending a brand.2020-07-02T20:40:24-07:00

Reglo ICC Peristaltic Pump. The launching of a new product.

Launching the Reglo ICC IDEX Health & Science came to V2Works to help them launch their new independent channel peristaltic pump, the Reglo ICC. Our challenge? The product wasn’t complete. Leveraging our 3D capabilities, V2Works was provided CAD data and we were able to create photo-realistic product renderings and animations showing the features of the pump. This project required: Photo-realistic 3D Motion Graphics Web Design eBlast Design

Reglo ICC Peristaltic Pump. The launching of a new product.2020-07-02T20:41:02-07:00

Washington’s Most Wanted. Q13 Fox show branding.

Washington’s Most Wanted V2Works was approached by Q13 Fox and asked to help create a poster and strong images for their Washington’s Most Wanted show. We combined studio photography and color correction techniques with a creative tagline to create a poster and billboard series. This project required: Photography Print Design Tagline Creation

Washington’s Most Wanted. Q13 Fox show branding.2020-08-26T16:25:41-07:00

Marten River Lodge. Breathing new life into an old lodge.

The Ultimate Outdoor Adventure V2Works was approached by Marten River Lodge to give them a complete make-over. Primarily a hunting and fishing lodge, Marten River had a plain image that was more focused on renting cabins and fishing boats. Our approach was to sell the lodge experience. To focus on the whole family, not just the sportsman. Taking a cue from the beautiful scenery and color of the property, we created a brand that fit within its surroundings. The brand mark contains elements of the outdoors, while remaining approachable. The brochure and Web site showcase beautiful imagery of the property, giving potential customers a full impression of the lodge. This project required: Photography Print Design [...]

Marten River Lodge. Breathing new life into an old lodge.2020-08-18T17:45:19-07:00

The BioLevitator. Multi-faceted product launch.

3D Cell Growth Technology Created by the Hamilton Company, the BioLevitator is a revolutionary desktop cell incubation solution. Hamilton and V2Works worked together to create a product launch plan, including the types of materials needed. This project required: Product Photography Print Design Interactive Web Design eBlast Design Web Banners HTML and CSS

The BioLevitator. Multi-faceted product launch.2020-07-02T20:37:40-07:00

Nastech Photography. Creating branded stock photography.

Personalized Stock Images Nastech, like many other bio-science companies, was having trouble finding stock images that weren’t overused, and fitting with the type of work they performed. V2Works was hired to help them create a more personalized, unique stock image library they could use in their marketing materials. This project required: Photography Photo Manipulation/Color Correction

Nastech Photography. Creating branded stock photography.2020-07-02T20:30:39-07:00

RammTLC. A passion for mobility.

An Updated Brand Ramm TLC approached V2Works to help them improve their brand identity, and create marketing materials that would help their company grow. Focusing on a clean, simple look that focused more on the salvation of the product and less on art, V2Works delivered a clean identity that allowed Ramm TLC to communicate it’s message to customers. This project required: Brand Identity Print Design Web Design Photography

RammTLC. A passion for mobility.2020-07-02T20:36:54-07:00

Lake Sammamish Bank. Branding and collateral materials.

A Brand New Brand We were approached by Lake Sammamish Bank with the challenge every designer craves: create a new brand for a new company. Nothing could be more fun, and more of a challenge. With research of other business banks, and an understanding of the area the bank would do the bulk of its business, V2Works created a clean, new brand that was very well received. This project required: Brand Identity Creation Print Design Stationary Design Location and Studio Photography

Lake Sammamish Bank. Branding and collateral materials.2020-08-18T17:39:36-07:00

The Simpler the Brand, the Sweeter the Victory

Don't let your brand fall victim to being too complex. Many companies get caught up in research, spending countless hours in brand meetings without really focusing, making the whole process wasteful.

Brandgineering by Design™ can help. We've taken our deepest, most meaningful brand experiences and simplified them into a simple step-by-step process. Request a free hard copy of our book, or if you're ready to partner with V2Works now, contact us to take your brand from ambiguity to Brand Victory.