
LinkedIn Post Best Practices

Are you getting the most out of your posts on LinkedIn? Follow these handy tips to make sure your posts are following LinkedIn best practices. Increase Content Engagement Sharing valuable content with people who want to see it is the biggest hurdle with social media. Use “Targeted Audience” when posting. This makes sure that only people who are interested in what you are posting, see it. When you are creating a post, you can target the audience and it will tell you how many people you are going to reach before you press post. If the reach is not that great, remove the targeted filter. Reach More People Globally Create page admins in various countries so they can post and share relevant content to their region. Display your page’s name [...]

LinkedIn Post Best Practices2020-08-24T17:46:50-07:00

LinkedIn Pages Best Practices

LinkedIn has made some changes to their Showcase Pages this year. We want our clients to always be in the loop with changing technology, so we wrote this summary of the new features for you. What are LinkedIn Showcase Pages? LinkedIn Showcase Pages are subpages of your main company page. They work as a place where you can interact with your target audience and showcase life inside your business such as business lines, products, or initiatives. New Features LinkedIn now offers Content Suggestions, a feature that tells the admins what is trending with their followers. Take these insights and share more relevant content on that topic with your followers. Many of the new changes have to do with jobs. People looking for jobs at specific companies can gain [...]

LinkedIn Pages Best Practices2020-08-24T17:47:05-07:00

The Simpler the Brand, the Sweeter the Victory

Don't let your brand fall victim to being too complex. Many companies get caught up in research, spending countless hours in brand meetings without really focusing, making the whole process wasteful.

Brandgineering by Design™ can help. We've taken our deepest, most meaningful brand experiences and simplified them into a simple step-by-step process. Request a free hard copy of our book, or if you're ready to partner with V2Works now, contact us to take your brand from ambiguity to Brand Victory.