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So far V2Works has created 64 blog entries.

Case Study: Nastech Photography

Case Nastech Pharmaceuticals (now Marina Biotech) was an emerging pharmaceutical research and development company needing an edge to set them apart from the sea of tired stock image choices in the competitive pharmaceutical industry. Strategy V2Works was approached to create an extensive library of marketing imagery and product photography. We immediately established that the best solution to Nastech’s needs would be to shoot in their own environment. Packing up our portable digital arsenal, we spent two days on-site working with the Nastech crew, shooting all aspects of their working environment to best capture their leading edge technology. Results Nastech was provided with a full library of royalty-free promotional and product imagery to be used across a spectrum of web and [...]

Case Study: Nastech Photography2020-07-01T16:35:45-07:00

Case Study: Ramm TLC Brand

Case With their proprietary Turning Leg Caddy®, RammTLC had the experience, quality, and innovative technology to be a leader in the mobility device industry, but with a number of ‘copy cat’ companies entering the market, they needed to differentiate themselves from the competition and refresh their relationship with the medical community. Strategy Turning to V2Works to bring their brand experience up to speed, we established a new identity based on their dedication to accessibility and independence. RammTLC implemented a new website, printed materials, trade show collateral and a complete library of new product imagery that established them as a big player in the mobility device arena. Results Since successfully marketing their innovative TLC technology and solidifying their brand, RammTLC has [...]

Case Study: Ramm TLC Brand2020-07-01T16:33:52-07:00

Case Study: The Napoleon Company

Case One of Seattle’s original family-owned and operated businesses, The Napoleon Company is a leading importer of gourmet foods in the US. Founded in 1903, the company has a richly storied past, but found their imagery to be lacking the professionalism and visual depth they needed when entering their second century of business. Strategy V2Works approached Napoleon’s photography with the attitude that cooking is art, and treated their subject as such. Using warm colors and organic, artistic staging, we created a comprehensive library of imagery that draws the viewer in and showcases their world-class products. Results Completely redefining the company’s visual impact in the imported foods marketplace, Napoleon’s new imagery was such a hit that they doubled the quantity [...]

Case Study: The Napoleon Company2020-07-01T16:32:33-07:00

Microlab 300 Guided Pipetting System. A new product launch.

A New Product Launch Hamilton Company contacted V2Works to help them launch a new product, the Microlab 300 Guided Pipettor. Using what we learned from other product launches, we worked with the client to create specific pieces that would touch several channels from traditional print collateral and e-mail marketing, to in-site ad promotion and a dedicated product section. This project required: Photography Print Design eBlast Design HTML and CSS

Microlab 300 Guided Pipetting System. A new product launch.2020-07-02T20:25:37-07:00

Hamilton Sample Storage. Innovative product line brochure.

A Complete Product Line Brochure Hamilton Sample Storage needed a brochure that would cover their full line of products, for trade shows and sales staff to send to potential customers. V2Works created the overall design based on the Hamilton Company brand (designed by V2Works as well). The brochure features product imagery and a main chart that educated the user on the types of systems that sell, and what stage of the research process a particular product falls into. This project required: 3D Rendering Print Design

Hamilton Sample Storage. Innovative product line brochure.2020-07-02T18:32:34-07:00

Alta Cellars. What’s a little wine among friends?

A New, Fresh Brand One of our favorite projects in recent memory is Alta Cellars, a new Wine company located in Woodinville, Washington. V2Works collaborated with the client and researched area Wine’s to come up with a unique brand and carried that brand into the labeling of the bottles, the Website and more. This project required: Branding Label Design Web Design

Alta Cellars. What’s a little wine among friends?2020-07-02T19:51:32-07:00

Hamilton Sample Storage. Large-scale storage solutions.

Conveying the Message Hamilton Sample Storage approached V2Works to help them promote a line of storage solutions. These solutions are very large-scale and aren’t the type of solution that can be purchased or installed easily, so Hamilton asked V2Works to help them convey their capabilities for large-scale sample storage. Our approach was to be less literal and more conceptual when conveying the message of large-scale cold storage. This project required: Photo Manipulation Ad Concepting and Design Web Banner Design Interactive

Hamilton Sample Storage. Large-scale storage solutions.2020-07-02T16:34:24-07:00

Gerbing’s Heated Clothing. Extending a brand.

Pushing an Existing Brand Gerbing’s Heated Clothing has been around for quite some time. When they approached V2Works to help with their brand and collateral needs, they were a well established company with a loyal following. Our approach to their brand work was to refine and modernize the look and feel of their collateral and web presence, but leave the core brand intact. Allowing Gerbing’s to continue to resonate with current customers, and continue the legacy the brand has created within its market. This project required: Photography Print Design Web Design Motion Graphics/Video

Gerbing’s Heated Clothing. Extending a brand.2020-07-02T20:40:24-07:00

IDEX Health & Science LabAssistant. Branded mobile app, used for generating leads.

A Branded Mobile App When IDEX Health & Science approached us and asked if we could help generate leads, and at the same time promote the brand, we came up with an unusual idea. We created a mobile app that could be preloaded on iOS devices, and used as giveaways. The result is the LabAssistant. To learn more about the success of this project, click here to read the case study. This project required: Interface Design Print Design eBlast Design

IDEX Health & Science LabAssistant. Branded mobile app, used for generating leads.2020-08-24T21:23:08-07:00

Reglo ICC Peristaltic Pump. The launching of a new product.

Launching the Reglo ICC IDEX Health & Science came to V2Works to help them launch their new independent channel peristaltic pump, the Reglo ICC. Our challenge? The product wasn’t complete. Leveraging our 3D capabilities, V2Works was provided CAD data and we were able to create photo-realistic product renderings and animations showing the features of the pump. This project required: Photo-realistic 3D Motion Graphics Web Design eBlast Design

Reglo ICC Peristaltic Pump. The launching of a new product.2020-07-02T20:41:02-07:00

The Simpler the Brand, the Sweeter the Victory

Don't let your brand fall victim to being too complex. Many companies get caught up in research, spending countless hours in brand meetings without really focusing, making the whole process wasteful.

Brandgineering by Design™ can help. We've taken our deepest, most meaningful brand experiences and simplified them into a simple step-by-step process. Request a free hard copy of our book, or if you're ready to partner with V2Works now, contact us to take your brand from ambiguity to Brand Victory.