
Month End Happy Hour (MEHH) at Collective On Tap

The place is tucked away in a business park setting, but the atmosphere inside The Collective On Tap made it a great spot to hold the V2Works month-end happy hour (MEHH!) to close out April.  As we chatted about topics ranging from the awesomeness of Prince, to trade shows in Germany, to the muscle-relaxing massages we’d all received earlier in the day, the crew noshed on some creatively tasty appetizers and downed some celebratory suds as we bid adieu to another month.  #V2WorksCulture #V2WorksPerks

Month End Happy Hour (MEHH) at Collective On Tap2020-10-23T15:21:14-07:00

Mehh-ssage Day at V2Works

Our annual Employee Massage Day is a fun and relaxing event for all of the V2 team. This year's Massage Day also happened to fall on MEHH (Month End Happy Hour) — hence the post's name 'Mehh-ssage Day.' Each of us were treated to personalized 45-minute massage sessions in the comfort of our make-shift sanctuary, the conference room. With zen Pandora stations strumming in the background, our talented masseuse, Eme, helped each of us feel relaxed and de-stressed. In a nutshell, the day was absolutely incredible! Now that everyone is a complete noodle, we're headed out of the office early to celebrate month end at The Collective on Tap in Woodinville. Thanks to V2Works for your continued generosity and making us all feel completely appreciated (and thanks to Megan, for [...]

Mehh-ssage Day at V2Works2020-10-23T15:22:32-07:00

Month End Happy Hour (MEHH) at Beardslee Public House

March went out like a lion as the V2Works team celebrated our Month End Happy Hour (MEHH) at Beardslee Public House, closing out the final Friday in March. Though we refer to it as MEHH, make no mistake — there’s nothing boring about it. Our March schedule kept us moving with projects for the annual Pittcon tradeshow, as well as prepping for some exciting new work, so we celebrated by having a few drinks and delicious appetizers. It’s all part of the V2Works team culture. Subjects ranged from favorite movie quotes, to Troy’s preparations for the upcoming Desert 100 — a wild free-for-all ride in the desert areas of central Washington. March was so good that we can’t wait to see what April has in store!

Month End Happy Hour (MEHH) at Beardslee Public House2020-10-23T15:23:46-07:00

Farewell Mr. Mason

Yesterday we bid farewell to V2Works' longtime employee, Gary Mason. We're going to miss Gary deeply, for the contributions he gave to this agency, for the dedication he gave his job, and especially for his funky sense of humor and enthusiasm for design. We wish Gary all the best as he leaves for a new life adventure. We hope to see you shining brighter and achieve what you truly deserve.

Farewell Mr. Mason2020-08-25T15:46:01-07:00

Month End Happy Hour (MEHH) at McMenamins Anderson School

Every Friday our close-knit team celebrates the end of the week with a group lunch outing. Recently we added to our camaraderie by starting a new tradition called 'MEHH,' which stands for Month End Happy Hour. MEHH marks the last Friday of every month, where our team members head out of the office early and convene at a local gathering place for some out-of-the-office 'team time.' This month we rallied with drinks and appetizers at Bothell's latest attraction, McMenamins Anderson School. MEHH gives our team time to decompress, relax and enjoy the freedom and creativity of our co-worker's company in a casual setting. Here are some snapshots of the V2 crew doing just that.

Month End Happy Hour (MEHH) at McMenamins Anderson School2020-10-23T15:26:29-07:00

V2Works Celebrates Another Successful Year with the IDEX Health & Science Marketing Team

V2Works was fortunate to play host to the U.S. marketing team from IDEX Health & Science this week. Their team flew to Seattle from all over the country to spend a full day with our crew, where we met new people and hashed out details of their recent merger. We covered a lot of ground in a short period of time, which left us all feeling satisfied and excited for great things to come. Afterwards, their global marketing leader treated everyone to a delicious dinner at  Russell's Restaurant to celebrate a job well done for everything we've accomplished this year. We'd like to extend an extra-special appreciation and thanks to the IDEX Health & Science marketing team for everything they do to bring out the best in all of us. Here's to another [...]

V2Works Celebrates Another Successful Year with the IDEX Health & Science Marketing Team2020-08-24T21:09:25-07:00

Happy Birthday David!

We wished David, our Project Manager, the happiest of birthdays! We celebrated with at team lunch at Preservation Kitchen and his favorite — Coconut Cream Pie! #V2WorksPerks

Happy Birthday David!2020-10-23T15:29:06-07:00

The Perks of a Power Outage

On Tuesday, November 17th the Pacific Northwest experienced the second major storm in a matter of months, wreaking havoc around the Seattle area and beyond. Winds, which were clocked well over 100 miles per hour, plus heavy rains (and reports of pea-sized hail) caused extensive damage, knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of people. The power at V2Works was no exception, but one of the perks of being a team full of creatives, is that we're always up for some amusement. Even if that means trekking through the wind and rain — and snail-paced TRAFFIC — for a chilly, dripping-wet adventure. The first day of our power-outage found a group of us at the new McMenamins Anderson School, down the road in Bothell, where we savored one of the only delicacies [...]

The Perks of a Power Outage2020-10-23T15:27:49-07:00

2nd Annual Office Pumpkin Decorating Contest

Since last year's pumpkin decorating contest was such a hit, we decided to repeat the pumpkin fun for everyone and make it an annual event. This year, it was a race to the conference room for each Brandgineer to chose the perfect mini-pumpkin from an assortment that varied in size, form, and color. Whether inspiration came from their own cleverness, or they received artistic messages from frightful spirits of regions beyond, creativity ran rampant. Happy Halloween from the V2 team!

2nd Annual Office Pumpkin Decorating Contest2020-07-10T20:50:05-07:00

The Simpler the Brand, the Sweeter the Victory

Don't let your brand fall victim to being too complex. Many companies get caught up in research, spending countless hours in brand meetings without really focusing, making the whole process wasteful.

Brandgineering by Design™ can help. We've taken our deepest, most meaningful brand experiences and simplified them into a simple step-by-step process. Request a free hard copy of our book, or if you're ready to partner with V2Works now, contact us to take your brand from ambiguity to Brand Victory.